
The Stonehenge decoding



Partial summary of the research entitled “One language – one knowledge” which is being prepared for the full edition.


The worldwide worship to the sun is a consistence in the actual darkness after the previously bright civilisation that existed before the Great Flood. Today’s civilisation is a repetition without the slightest deviation of all stages of the development of civilisation that have existed before us. It is retrieving even the units of measurements that are exactly the same units used by the previous civilisation.


Civilisation before us used for a form of communication used speaking language that is still preserved as a living fossil of the Albanian speaking ghegs.


Through a technology that we have not reached yet, the elite of that time codified mathematically the knowledge around the globe in facilities built of indestructible material and it can be read if you use it as the key dialect ghegs and gauging system the number 6 as base unit, which has its origins in 6 rays of light, where all information about life is found. 6-pointed star is the seal of knowledge. Only those who know Albanian can read the knowledge in every corner of the globe.


What today is called mythology, with a meaning close to “unbelievable”, is actually an accurate reflection of knowledge. Gods have never existed on Olympus thrones. Symbolically true thrones are the main object of omniscience that the previous civilisation left to us, at Stonehenge. 5 stoned triplets of Stonehenge Centre are the thrones of 5 Crohn’s (Kronus) children: Hestia, Demetra, Poseidon, Hera and Zeus, although there is another empty place where it might be another triple; there is the place of the 6-th son, Hades – lord of the underworld. He was not “invited in the gatherings” and his seat is the Stone of Sacrifice that is stuck in the ground at the rate of three-quarters in the entrance gate according to the original main Stonehenge.


6 horizontal stones where Crohn’s children sat are the origins of counting unit at base six. Before symmetrical triplets there are 3 stones, so we have 6 stones on each side. These are the numbers of seasons’ months. 6 times 5 (5 x 6 = 30), is the most frequent number in Stonehenge circles and this number marks the month. Thus, we have the year made of the 360 days reported in antiquity and 5 triplets ` mark of 5 additional days (12 months x 30 days / month = 360 days. 360 days + 5 days = 365 days). The word dozen was born precisely as measuring unit of two seasons with 6 months. Dozen = do zen = two zen. One zen = 6.


With the number 6 are measured in hours 4 day periods, divided by midday midnight and marked by 12 stones of symmetrical triplets and the 12 stones before them.


With the 10 times of six (10 x 6 = 60) is measured time in seconds and minutes and marked with 60 large stones of the big circle connected with stones.


With the 15 times of six (15x 6 = 90), is measured a season in days (a quarter of the year) and is marked by 90 stones of the two circles (30 + 60 = 90).


Sixth six times (6 x 6 = 36), is marked by 36 horizontal stones (35 of them are held by 40 vertical stones and one stone is laid in the ground- the stone of Hades).


10 times the sixth squared (10 x 6 x 6 = 360) marks the 360-day year, the circle with 360 degrees, the coordinate system with 360 degrees.


100 times 36 (100 x 36 = 3600), is the distance in kilometers from Stonehenge to the complex of pyramids in Giza, Egypt. 3600 km is the distance between these two knowledge complexes.


Meter – the length unit, with all its multiples and subdivisions, was rediscovered by the modern civilisation according the footsteps of the old one. With this unit are expressed quarters of the year. Exactly 91 meters is the flat circle within internal channel coast surrounding Stonehenge. Even more precise: 91.25 dm, as much as a quarter of the year of 365 days, was the height of the vertical rock of the Big Triplet in centre of Stonehenge during the period of project’s initial implementation.


Yet, we continue to read very accurate knowledge expressed by quarter of the year. Unifying the units of length and time gives a quarter of the circumference of the circle with stones connected with the cover diameter of 33 meters. 33000mm x 3.14159265358 … = 103672.557568mm. 103672.557568 :4 = 25918.139392 … That is the duration in years of the precession of Earth’s axis.


Time in seconds of 1 month (30 days) equals the volume in cubic meters of the Great Pyramid in Egypt. 30 days x 24 hours / day x 60min / hour x 60sec / min = 2.592 million seconds. (This figure is 100-times bigger than the years of the precession of Earth’s axis.)


Before the Great Troika of the Centre only the stone altar is located. In the centre within the circles we have 13 stones that are not connected and 15 stones connected in triples, so totally we have 28 stones. Numbers 13 and 28 belongs to another calendar. 13 stones mark the 13 month of a year and 28 stones mark the day duration of a month. A year has 364 days, and the day of the summer solstice is the day no.365 of the year. The word longdozen was born exactly as a longer measuring unit than 12 to the time for it marks 13 months of a year (13 x 28 = 364), 13 weeks of the year for one season (13 x 7 = 91) and 13 constellations of the stars that the earth’s axis covers during its precession.


Number 28 is the month of a biological human as female’s menstrual cycle lasts 28 days and human skin is completely replaced every 28 days. Even the ordinary concrete freezes for 28 days. These facts and the fact that Sun Earth completes a full rotation around its axis for 28 days, to the viewer from the Earth, make us think that the number 28 is the number of the sun. 28 Stonehenge stones at the centre mark the sun and the circles mark the celestial bodies orbiting around it.


The first circle of 30 small stones marks Mercury Minor.


The second round of 30 large stones marks Venus. Its cover of lids represents the very dense atmosphere that shrouds the planet.


The third circle with 29 holes represents the moon with its monthly cycle.


The fourth circle with 30 holes represents our Earth.


The fifth circle with 56 holes represents Mars.


Two rampart of earth (barrow) mark the two satellites of Mars.


The surrounding channel represents the boundary lines of internal solids for our solar system.


The laid stone stuck in the ground shows a celestial body (meteor or asteroid) that has hit the internal solids.


Leaning Stone out of the surrounding channel on the right track of 2800 meters marks planet Jupiter.


(See below the schematic representation of elements)


For the exact layout of celestial bodies, as guarantor of life on earth 328 elements were ranked, of which 182 stoned and 146 woody ones. 182 stones represent half of the year or the exact time of daytime in poles. 182 days a year the sun shines and never sets on the Pole. Also this number marks in meters the maximal depth of light’s penetration into the water.


In this design of stones and hardwood, a quarter of year is marked by 91 horizontal elements of stones and trees held by 96 vertical stones. Number 96 is the quarter-year of 13 lunar months calendar (13 x 29.530588… = 383.897644…). Horizontal elements are marked by precise quarter of the year, 91.25, for the 36-th stone is laying on the ground and the value of remaining part over the earth’s surface is ¼ (91 + ¼ = 91.25).


The 91 horizontal elements above the stones mark 13 weeks. Their setup ratio of 35 stones and 56 woods indicates that they are at ratio 5 to 8. If we take them as a marker of 13 months then we have 8 months marked by trees, which means that they are evergreen and 5 months of stones that shows that they are without greenery. Two immemorial holidays, so-called pagan holidays brings us up to our day the hardened Stonehenge knowledge. First Day of Winter starts on October 26, the day of Saint Demetrius (St. Demetrius) and ends on March 14. There are 140 days of winter with bare ground by vegetation, (5 x 28 = 140). The rest of the year 8- month of summer is the green season that lasts 225 days, as the year of the planet Venus (224.7ditë); the personification of the goddess of vegetation, fertility …


Numbers 5; 8 and 13, are marked by their respective sevenfold: numbers 35; 56 and 91. These are part of the series of Fibonacci numbers that constitutes the fundamental rule of the complex of Stonehenge construction. The sevenfold of six Fibonacci numbers 6: 3; 5; 8; 13; 21; 34 are listed in the elements of Stonehenge. It is not necessary to count all 90 elements in both woody circles.


21 stones stuck in the ground are not connected to other elements.


35 horizontal stones lie above the other stones.


56 horizontal woods lie above the rocks.


91 woods and stones lie above rocks.


147 stones are stuck in the ground.


In total there are 238 rocks and woods (if not counting 90 elements in the 2 woody circles.)


(Note: the Stonehenge according to the initial project had 333 elements and with the placement of these 5 additional elements that do not touch the ground, it would read the first 13 numbers of the string 0; 1; 1; 2; 3; 5; 8; 13; 21 ; 34; 55; 89; 144;)


Stonehenge – the marker of our planetary system with the sun in the centre – marks at the same time the structure of the atom, its nucleus and its 5 circles are the 5 layers of electrons. The two stones before entrance mark the 6-th layer and the inclined stone marks the seventh layer of electronic level. These three stones show schematically the interaction between atoms, detachment and attraction of electrons and the formation of molecules.


Just the group of rocks that has no any wooden element marks exactly the modern table with 118 chemical elements, of which 28 are gaseous, liquid or whose state cannot be determined and they are indicated by the 28 marker stones of the Sun.


The sun has in his compositional elements is made up by gases, liquids or whose state cannot be determined as its situation is in constant transformation. 90 elements are rigid (solid) and are marked by Mercury and Venus circles.


Many chemical elements are clearly reflected in Stonehenge, but I will mention the most important element – uranium – which has 92, negatively charged electrons and 92 protons in the nucleus and positively charged. Horizontal elements stay above 91 stones. The 92nd horizontal element 92 lies in the ground. This is the atomic number of uranium. 146 vertical stones mark the number of neutrons. Digital reading is irrefutable. This marked the isotope U238 nuclei. (92protone + 146 neutrons = 238). Furthermore, if we do not include the 3 stones outside the circle, the isotope U235 is marked (92 protons + 143neutrons = 235).


Let’s move 3,600 km away from Stonehenge and specify that the height of the stone pyramids mark the number of neutrons of uranium isotopes. 146 meters and no more or less millimetre was the height of the stoned Great Pyramid. Exactly 143 meters was the height of the Middle Pyramid. Pyramidons of these pyramids were made of technological crystal and they symbolised the nuclear radiation of uranium. They height was roughly determined by two crystal spheres which were above the Altar Stone.


The extraordinary importance of the two isotopes of Uranium is recorded simultaneously in the Great Pyramid, as the diagonal of its base is slightly greater than 235m. Ten times this figure in square meter is halfway of what separates the 91-meter diameter circle of Stonehenge. (2350 m2, exactly 3251,941 m2).


These isotopes are the embodiment of human DNA. The difference between these isotopes is that non-separable isotope U238 is, just like the male DNA that is unchanged since Adam. So the Great Pyramid can be called the Father’s Pyramid, and the Middle Pyramid can be called the Mother Pyramid. Even the whole complex of Stonehenge can be called Father and what is included within the perimeter channel can be called Mother.


There are 3 neutrons that make distinction between the isotopes of uranium that vary from 3 meters of difference in the height of the pyramids and 3 stones that are outside the circle of Stonehenge. If you look closely it is clear that these three stones mark the penis. Leaning stone from Stonehenge marks the entry of the penis and two entrance stones mark the testicles. Sacrifice stone marks the female sexual organ. In the inner part of female body is the uterus and it is marked by the circle of Venus (Venus). Placentia is marked by the circle of Mercury and the embryo (fetus) is marked by stones of the sun. (Head = Big Triplet, upper limbs = Middle Triplets and lower limbs = Small Triplets.)


The perimeter of the circle with a diameter of 33 meters, marking the womb where life is reborn is determinant of the base edge of the Smaller Pyramid. (33m x3.14159265358 … = 103.672557568 … m.) Diagonal base of this pyramid is the height of the Great Pyramid including the crystalline pyramidon. The Small Pyramid, thus, symbolises the child, with all the secrets of life from his conception until he stands up.


Exactly as the table of chemical elements, the living life is also marked at Stonehenge. In the centre are 23 vertical stones (10 stones threesome + 13 stones in front of them). This is the number of human DNA. There are 23 pairs of chromosomes, in verse form.


Stonehenge is a reflection of both sexes, and marks the union of two arrays of DNA; male and female. Horizontal elements marking 92 protons of Uranium are also markers of 92 chromosomes of human couple. Only the couple of the male’s sex chromosome is different. Y chromosome is marked precisely by the horizontal stone laying on the ground (stone of Hades) different from other 91 horizontal elements that do not touch the ground. In the Great Pyramid we have a schematic representation of 4 arrays of DNA by 4 base sides of 23 decametres of length. Diagonal is the couples’ chain conjunction.


Human is the only mammal on earth which stands vertically, thus the 23 vertical stones mark the DNA of the central creature of this universe – the human . All construct the skeleton of 206 bones is such that provide a walk without bending. Stonehenge marks exactly this fact. Neither more nor less but exactly 206 vertical elements are at Stonehenge.


Although in this brief summary are included some universal omniscience readings mathematically encoded at Stonehenge, the Pyramids, etc. it can be concluded that nothing in the universe is random, everything is a PERFECT PROJECTION from micro-particles to macro-universe. If there would be no projection, no kind of computer would manage to design a configuration with 333 elements where all knowledge is mathematically written.





Stonehenge is one of more than 900 stone rings in England. It’s considered as the most mysterious object of antiquity. The legend says that the magician Merlin overnight brought the stones from Ireland to the place they are today. The name itself shows that there are stones and gullies. The real meaning of the name Stonehenge is stones from a canal. An interesting fact is that the soil of a circular gap with a diameter of circa 110m has been thrown in the inside part of the canal creating a constraining bank of the ring with a diameter of 91m. This constrain has a big entrance with a avenue of 2800 m on the east and a small entrance on the south. At the main entrance, there is a laid stone with a length of circa 5 m stuck almost entirely into the ground. This stone is called the Slaughter Stone as it is thought to be the place where sacrifices were made. Before the entrance at the beginning of the road there are 2 stones and further is located a giant leaned stone called the Heel Stone. In the surrounding of the canal not further than 5m of distance 56 holes were found in the ground where surely some stones were stuck into. This circle is called in honour of the founder Aubrey. Almost near to it there are two banks called barrows where are signs of a stuck stones. There are also 2 other holes in the ground, which are symmetrical with those in the banks which all together are thought to be part of 4 stationary stones. More in the inside were found 30 holes in an imperfect circle and near them towards the centre there are 29 holes in an imperfect circle where there could have been another hole but the researches show that there has never been one. In turn we see first a ring with a diameter of 33 m with 30 gigantic stones which are stuck in the ground and are uninterruptedly connected with 30 covers. Before this ring there is another ring with 30 stones which are smaller than the ones in the big circle. In the centre of Stonehenge are connected 5 trilithons of stones that form an ellipse open towards the entrance. Just in front of the entrance is the Big Trilithon with two big stones 9.1 m high and are connected with a lintel on their top. On their side are stuck the other 4 trilithons in a symmetrical way. The first two trilithons on the sides of the Big one have a height of 7.3 m whereas the two last ones are even smaller with a height of something more than 6 m. In the centre of Stonehenge, in front of the Big Triplet there is a big stone named the Altar Stone. In front of the stones there have been stuck stones but the researches have different opinions about the number of the stones. The common thing is that in front of the symmetrical trilithons they always putted 3 stones. In Solstice of the Summer the light rays as soon as they appear in the horizon they voyage through the Avenue, enter in the middle of the 2 at the front gate and touch the Altar Stone in front of the Big Triplet. Even today, this day is celebrated by thousands of neodruid and other believers. Based on science findings the construction of this monument started 5100 years ago and finished 3600 years ago. In these 1500 years works were carried out in various stages with centuries of distance between the stages.




The conclusions of the project headed by Professor Mike Parker Pearson specify that 10.000 years ago Stonehenge was a place of cult for all the islanders like the Irish, the Scottish, the Welshman etc. In the days of Solstice they brought livestock with them. The professor does not move from the idea that the circles were made simultaneously and according to him the beginning of the construction work of the Stonehenge does not date earlier than 5100 years ago.




The research of professor David P. Gregg “The Stonehenge Codes: A New Light on Ancient Science…., argues that there has been an Initial Project of the Stonehenge because in the architectural complex of Stonehenge the constants of π (pi) and φ (fi) are exactly implemented in the diametrical ratios of the circles, their segments etc. Even though the official science does not discuss on the light shed from prof. Gregg, the questions that arise from the reasoning of the professor and other nonbelievers on the dogma that the Stonehenge and the Pyramids were constructed by random cavemen with wooden, bones and stone tools, which brings us to the conclusion that the constructers had scientific knowledge. There is no other alternative. A highly-advanced civilization selected the natural indestructible material and built object with gigantic stones by placing them in such a way that they could be an evidence of their knowledge.


The Great Flood destroyed the Babel Tower but the Stonehenge, the Pyramids and other stone object remained intact. In these buildings the constructors didn’t leave any written word but they left their knowledge mathematically coded in their construction.



1 = The Altar Stone, a six-ton monolith of green micaceous sandstone from Wales

2 = barrow without a burial

3 = “barrows” (without burials)

4 = the fallen Slaughter Stone, 4.9 meters long

5 = the Heel Stone

6 = two of originally four Station Stones

7 = ditch

8 = inner bank

9 = outer bank

10 = The Avenue, a parallel pair of ditches and banks leading 3 km to the River Avon

11 = ring of 30 pits called the Y Holes

12 = ring of 29 pits called the Z Holes

13 = circle of 56 pits, known as the Aubrey holes

14 = smaller southern entrance

15 = the two stones at the entrance



Five trilithons on the centre

The main Ring with big stones connected with lintels

The circle with 56 stones.

Between the two circles of stones there were two wood circles (The Y and Z holes).

The ditch has the colour of the limestone found in Salisbury plateau.




The researches are trying to extract the DNA of the disappeared creatures of the past from the fossilised rests in the stones. The stones are those that save the DNA of the ancient knowledge and conserve the DNA of the ancient builders words. They conserve what belongs to what is relative and what is absolute.




Convinced that there has been a single language and that it has not disappeared without a trace,

Convinced that the Albanian language is the living fossil of our days,

Convinced that Shkodra has always been one of the capitals in the world as the old geographers named the ridge that surrounds the lake of Shkodra the “Chain of the World”,

Convinced that the spoken language of the region of Shkodra has preserved its smooth blade on both sides because it has always been an important point of sea and land for all the Mediterranean and beyond its surroundings and deep in the continent,

Convinced that the blade of the Albanian language cuts every old word and extracts knowledge from it I decided to:

From the words that have a sense just in Albanian I started to extract ancient knowledge in the most mysterious object of stone where there is not any written word.

The law of conservation and energy conversion started converting the Words in Knowledge and the Knowledge in Words.

Through the language began the adventure of decoding the numbers that are in the Stonehenge and with the help of Mathematics used in Stonehenge started the coding of the language.

Based on the findings of the archeologists started the work for the recreation of the initial project of the Stonehenge and with the help of the Albanian syllables started the archeology of the word.

For almost a decade the elements of the total virtual reconstruction of the Stonehenge started taking place. In the November of 2015 the 333 elements completed the retrieval work of the initial project. The reading of the knowledge that is written in numbers is very easy because it’s basic mathematics. Even the professors that all day long explain the principle of how some cavemen provided with stone, wood and bone equipment transported stones of 50 tons 200 km far away and put them exactly there. We have to accept that some wise or better to say some people smarter than us selected the place and the material for the construction of the architectural complex of knowledge named Stonehenge.


Even though the words were the initiators of the Stonehenge decoding, the work for the decoding of the language is the most difficult. The gap of the so called scientific language is a bunch of theories that bring to the Indo-European language of nobody and its invented language that has never been spoken.


As the ancient objects found all around the globe have a relationship between them and show us the ancient OMNIKNOWLEDGE, the same way the language spoken by the constructors of these objects has an unbroken relationship and today it shows us the OMNILANGUAGE of humans or the common language spoken today in the whole globe, the Albanian language.


This is the reason why I chose the title: “A Language, a knowledge with the subtitle: The decoding of Stonehenge and the language coding.” as a title for the publication of the studies that are being prepared to get published.


The first decoding word of Stonehenge


The word dozen (duzinë, dozzina, douzaine, dutzend, düzine, tuzin, etc) shows the number 12. This ancient measuring unit is used even today. In fact, it represents two sixes, two voices and two seasons. One season that warms a lot (Xen, nxen) and one that warms less or 6 months that warm one Pole and 6 months that warm the other one. The Solstices are the culmination points that divide the years in two parts. On one of the poles there is light for 6 months and on the other pole there is darkness.


Even the language archeology brings us incontrovertible evidence that the number six was called zen in the time of the UNI-LANGUAGE. In Dutch the word for six is zes and in German is sechs (zeks). These two languages are part of the Anglo-Saxon based on the linguists. But with the English language this word seems to have disappeared from the time of the OMNILANGUAGE and in its absence it uses the word half – dozen for the number six. Who knows Albanian knows this game of words where half of two sixes is six.


Dozen = do zen = two zen = two sixes (the origin of the nominative words for the number 6 in our days brings us only to one point: The sun with its 6 rays and the understandable OMNILANGUAGE from Albanian.

The sun rays pass through the avenue long 2800 m in the day of the Summer Solstice and end up in the Altar stone at the centre of Stonehenge. The sun rays in this day serve as a diameter that divide the rings, stones and the symbols on the stones and everywhere in two symmetrical even pieces. The altar stone and the big trilithon after this are cut in half but the other four trilithons remain symmetrical to each other having respectively 3 smaller stones pinned down in front of them. This way we have 12 stones divided in 6 stones on each side. These are the year months. The big circle with 30 lintel stones shows the days of the month. Stonehenge shows the year composed by 360 days known by the ancient Egyptians, Summers, Babylonians etc, with late traces of the 360 idols on the Kaaba and 360 churches of Shas in Albania. The year has 365 days and Stonehenge with its 5 big trilithons shows us the 5 added days of the calendar at the time of the Summer Solstice. (12 months x 30 days/month= 360 days; 360 + 5 = 365).


This is the first decoding word and the defining of the quantity of stones in front of the trilithons at the centre. The OMNILANGUAGE exactly with the word dyzen shows the ancient instrument with two wires (çifteli), which makes the accompanying sounds of the ballades.


Dyzen = dy zen = two sounds.

The linguist theoretician, driven by the absence of knowledge or deliberately have left outside the so called Indo-European languages the Turkish language which has conserved from the time of the ancient OMNILANGUAGE and OMNIKNOWLEDGE the word düzen that shows the rule and the harmony. The rule and the general harmony are two elements, the two opposite sides of everything. Again the word harmony shows a musical instrument but the basis is the dyzen, which in Albanian includes all the music. The two wires produce the sounds of joy and pain. (The sound is a wave = the light is a wave)



The second decoding word of Stonehenge


The word Long dozen, which is meaningless for the linguists, derives from the subdivision of the year in 13 parts which is more than the usual 12 parts. As a consequence there is the 13 months calendar with 28 days and with a year of 364 days (13 x 28 = 364). The Summer Solstice that in our days is a celebrating day for the neodruids is the 365 day of the year.

There is even more than that. The big Trilithon can be called the Solstice Trilithon because in this day the sun rays that shine through a well-defined way reminds us that it is exactly 1.25 times higher than the two other trilithons on its side (73 dm x 1.25 = 91 dm). The eyes of the worshipers of the Summer Solstice day see the Big Trilithon and understand that the last day should be calculated a quarter longer. Simple calculation tells us that the year was calculated as it is today with 365.25 days.


This is the eternal unmistakable calendar because the first day of the first month starts always after the Summer Solstice day and the day of the leap year adds itself before the solstice. Such a calendar brings the repetition of the dates of the months of the upcoming years, in the same day of the week because the year has 52 weeks and the solstice day is not assigned as a day of the week but a holiday (the solstice day). In the leap – year case or after 52 months of 28 days we count 2 holidays (the day before the solstice and the solstice day). The new year starts after the Sun Day (The Summer Solstice day). The first day of the year is the moon day, because of its importance for the Earth it comes after the sun (The calendar of the 360 day year was eternally unmistakable, because the first day of the first month of the year started always two days after the solstice of the summer and the day of the leap – year adds itself before the solstice).




The word that brought in the decoding of the Stonehenge was dozen. The word dozen placed 12 stones, 6 on each side. The word long dozen placed the 13 stone. There are 13 weeks that make up a season (13 x 7 = 91) and 13 months that make a year (13 x 28 = 364). This word did not accept any other stone on its side and specified the number 28 of the stones at the Centre of the Stonehenge that are inside the rings. The scientific knowledge fully support the 28 days month. This is the biologic month of the human being.


The menstrual month of the women is 28 days. The deviations from this exact period are intolerable in the time of pregnancy. The conception and the development of the fetus goes in phases of 7 and 28 days. The pregnancy lasts 10 month of 28 days or 40 weeks and the definition of the 9 month pregnancy is a nonscientific mess. The premature birth is incorrectly called preemie when in fact the baby is born 8 months or 224 days as long as the year of the Venus planet (Afrodite). These babies miraculously survive and don’t have any problems in their development. Those who are born in the 9 month and in the beginning of the 10 usually do not survive. It seems that they are not protected by Afrodite.


The biologic month is signed by the human skin as it totally replaces itself every 28 days. Even the common concrete hardens for 28 days. All these facts prove that the Sun is the influencer of this exact period. The builders of Stonehenge knew this and that’s why they placed 28 stones in the centre of the Complex full of circles.

The Stonehenge builders knew everything we know today and even more than us.

The centre of the Stonehenge. Projection from above



1. Altar stone = 1 stone

2. The big trilithon = 3 stones

3. The medium trilithons = 6 stones

4. The small trilithons= 6 stones

5. The stones in front of the trilithons = 12 stones

totally = 28 stones


5 Stonehenge shows our planetary system with the sun in its centre.


With 28 stones the projectors and the builders of Stonehenge put the sun in the centre of our planetary system. The rings that wrap the 28 stones mark the celestial bodies in turn: Mercury, Venus, the moon (the ring with 29 holes), the Earth and Mars (Aubrey circle with 56 holes). These are the solid celestial bodies of our solar system which are called intern and that’s the reason they are surrounded by a ditch.


The big stone that is outside the rig, the heel stone, represents Jupiter.


These are the celestial bodies that the Sumerians and their successors the Babylonians and the Egyptians knew. These are the celestial bodies that even Archimedes knew. The exact orbits of these celestial bodies could be precisely calculated by the Antikythera mechanism.

In Stonehenge can be read the exact calendars not only of the earth but even of the other celestial bodies. The conviction that the Stonehenge builders knew everything makes us understand the fact that the Earth’s circle is not perfect. This circle is slightly pushed on the extremities because that is the exact form of our planet. Even the circle of the Moon should be read as is written by the builders. Even though they left room for a thirteen hole they did not open it because the moon cycle has 29.53 days.


In 29 holes were placed 29 full elements whereas the empty space meant that the 30 full day does not exist but we do not go directly from the 29 day to the first day of the upcoming month. They had found the ideal solution. Over the terrain they placed a stump that was half of the other stumps pinned into the ground, that reminded the calculation of the lunar month one time with 30 days and the other one with 29 days. The projectors and builders did not leave any internal celestial body without mentioning it in the Complex of all the Knowledge named Stonehenge, The two barrows, placed near the circle of Mars, represent the two satellites that orbit very near the planet. The mythology has brought to us the two companions of Mars and the modern days scientists as soon as they saw the Mars satellites named them Phobos and Deimos.


Not a single detail of the omniscience does not remain without its mark on Stonehenge. They let everything there for us to be read. The sacrifice stone that is found at the Main Gate of the Stonehenge is thought that is plunged in ground but this is not true. This stone depicts the celestial bodies (asteroids) that hit the planets. He was placed in that way since the initial project and surprisingly the name that the archeologists gave it, the fallen Slaughter Stone, totally matches with the truth they wanted to transmit to us. A body that falls and thrusts into another celestial body brings catastrophe for the body that absorbs its gravity force. (Lets remember the disappearance of the dinosaurs).


Even the Heel Stone was placed that way since the initial project. It represents the first outside planet, Jupiter. Gigantic and unhewn that stone was placed to show its size and form. The placement in the way of the Sun just in the longest day of the year, when the sun shines more on the Stonehenge, was a sign of the internal energy of Jupiter. He emits energy more than he takes from the Sun. In the mythology the Jupiter was equivalent with Zeus who unleashed the lighting. The Jupiter is the giant of the lighting. 6000 degree Celsius is the temperature in the surface of the sun whereas the temperature of the lighting is almost 20000 degree Celsius. This is the reason it was placed on the way of the sun shine.


The deliberate heel of the stone shows that Jupiter is the guardian angel of the inside planets. With its strong gravitational field he cuts the way of the asteroids and absorbs them in its gaseous interior. Stonehenge represents our planetary system with the sun in the centre that is marked by the 28 stones.



The first ring with 30 small stones that represents the Small Mercury

The second ring with 30 small big stones that represents the Venus. The lintel cover represents the highly dense atmosphere that surrounds this planet.

The third ring with 29 holes that represents the moon and its monthly cycle

The fourth ring with 30 holes that represents our planet

The fifth ring with 56 holes that represents Mars

The two borrows that represent the two satellites of Mars.

The ditch that show the border between the internal and the external celestial bodies.

The fallen slaughter stone that represents an asteroid that has hit the internal celestial bodies.

The heel stone outside the planet that represents the planet of Jupiter.



The sacrifice stone that represents an asteroid thrust into the ground.



The big heel stone outside the ditch represents the gaseous giant of lighting, Jupiter, who absorbs asteroids and saves the internal planets. The other name of Jupiter is Zeus and its symbol is the lighting.



The two banks inside the circle of Mars represent its two satellites.





The sun rays in the Summer Solstice cut Stonehenge.in half



In the Summer Solstice day, the neodruids and others wait for the sunrise, whose rays voyage through the straight Avenue long 2800 m and pierce the big trilithon by dividing Stonehenge in two symmetrical parts.


The solstices themselves divide the day in two symmetrical parts. From the Winter Solstice that shows the shortest day of the year to the Summer Solstice that shows the longest day of the year there are 182 days where every day is longer than the previous one. The contrary happens in the period from the Summer Solstice to the Winter Solstice.


As a result of the inclination of the earth axis by 23,45 degrees in the poles we have 182 days of light and 182 days of darkness.


In the Stonehenge this period is represented by 182 stones.

The complex of the Sun = 28 stones

The Mercury ring = 30 stones

The Venus ring = 60 stones

The Mars ring = 56 stones

The representative of Jupiter = 1 stone

The representative of Asteroid = 1 stone

The banks of Mars satellites = 2 stones

Stationary stones = 2 stones

The stones at the main entrance = 2 stones

Total 182 stones



(In the holes of the Moon and Earth circles there were pinned down some wood elements. With this organic material they showed the couple of celestial bodies that enable the life. The influence of the moon for the life on Earth is indisputable that is why that celestial body is showed with woods).


Astrophysicists call Venus a twin of the Earth, not only because Venus is slightly smaller than the Earth but because the Moon is comparable to Mercury and they are grouped as opposite duos. Mercury and Venus are two lifeless celestial bodies and are represented as such with stones. The Earth and the Moon are the duo of life because the role of the Moon for the Life in Earth is very important for the scientists. Even though there is no life on the Moon there is no life on Earth without it.

The life is represented with organic materials in the Stonehenge. Wooden materials equal with the stones were placed in the holes of the Moon and the Earth. They are considered as twins as celestial bodies, their signs at the Stonehenge are twins to and the elements of both groups are twins. 30 stones represent Mars and an equal number represent the moon whereas 60 stones represent Venues and an equal number of wood represents the Earth.

The absence of life in Venus is represented with stone lintels whereas the life on Earth is represented with wooden lintels. 90 elements made of stone represent the duo without life of Mercury and Venus and 90 elements of wood represent the duo of Moon and Earth. The Mars planet is without an atmosphere so its lifeless. It is commonly accepted that there is water on Mars and that once upon a time there might have been life on it. It is accepted by the scientists that it might be possible to return life on Mars and they are experimenting to create its atmosphere.

The atmosphere is represented with horizontal elements that are based on elements driven into the ground. As in the rings of the Moon and Earth even the 56 vertical Stones of the circle of Mars were bound with 56 wooden elements.


The double nature of Mars as a planet with and without life is represented with an equal number of elements: 56 stones and 56 woods. With the placement of the 146 elements of wood we have these groups of elements that represent the celestial bodies:

28 stones that represent the reinvigorating Sun, giver and taker of life.

90 stones that represent the group of the absence of life (Mercury and Venus)

90 woods that represent the group of life (The moon and the Earth)

112 elements of stone and wood that represent the life and its absence (The double nature of Mars)

8 elements of stone that represent the group of lifeless celestial bodies.


In the end we have 28 elements that represent the font of life and the absence of it, 146 wooden elements that indicate life and 154 stone elements that show the absence of life.


Totally we have 182 stone elements and 146 wood elements. These are the 328 basic elements of the initial project of Stonehenge.


5 other elements are added for the explanation of life and the don’t touch the ground. 3 of them are not natural elements.





PHYSICAL – CHEMICAL ACTIVITY (chemical composition)


The Sun, Mercury and Venus are astronomical bodies in which life is not possible. There has never been and never will be biological activity In these 3 celestial bodies. At the Stonehenge we have 118 stone elements. 28 stones represent the sun and 90 stones represent the solid bodies that move around the sun (28 + 30 + 60 = 118).


118 chemical elements after a default order, are presented in the table of chemical elements, from which 90 elements are solid and 28 of them are liquid, gas or unknown. The unknown chemicals, even though the scientists achieved to produce artificially them, do not have life so we do not know their physical state. For the 118 element that is part of the noble gases, the scientists that achieved to create it can not say if that is a gas or not due to the short lifespan of the element.



118 stones represent the lifeless celestial bodies:

The gaseous and liquid sun with elements in constant change of 28 stones,

The solid Mercury and Venus with 90 stones.



Stonehenge in the actual state.



The presentation of the 118 chemical elements in the modern periodic table.

90 elements are solid.

28 elements are not solid: 11 are gas, 2 liquid and 15 are not stable.

In the centre of the sun starts the transformation of the hydrogen in helium. In the table of elements, in the first group we have only the elements of hydrogen and helium.


The smallest particle of an element which is chemically inseparable is the atom. The whole architectural complex represented the atom with a similar structure with the planetary system. 28 stones of the Centre represent the nucleus of the atom. Two diverse structures: 15 stones connected in trilithons and 13 unconnected stones represent the two microparticles of the atom core, the protons with a positive charge and the neutrons without a charge. The circles that wrap one by one the 28 stones of the Centre are 5 layers of electrons with a negative charge which orbit around the centre. The sixth layer is represented by the two stones at the entrance and the seventh layer is represented by the Jupiter stone. The heeled stone shows the detachment of the electrons to chemically connect to another atom of the same element or other elements. This stone represents the first valence whereas the stones in the avenue represent the second and the third valence together with the heeled stone. The Jupiter stone, representor of the extraordinary power of the lighting which is not anything else than collision of the electrical charges and energy release with temperatures some times higher than the temperature of the surface of the Sun. It reminds us even the way of destroying the atom nucleus with direct hits as it symbolically happens in the day of the Summer Solstice.


BIOLOGICAL ACTIVITY (organic material)


At the Stonehenge the group of 28 stones, which represent the biological month, in the same time represent the number of the human DNA with the 23 vertical stones. Every human cell contains 23 chromosomes are connected in a string which is connected to another identical string forming 23 pairs of chromosomes. 22 pairs are similar to the women and the men and those are called autosomes. Only the pair of chromosomes which is responsible for gender does change. At the women the chromosomes of gender are equal and are marked for identification reason with an X. At the men they are different and are marked with X the feminine chromosome and with Y the masculine chromosome. At the Stonehenge the 23 – rd of chromosomes is represented by the Altar Stone. To note the difference of the gender chromosomes at the Altar stones there were other distinctive signs.



The centre of the Stonehenge. Projection from above of the vertical stones.



1. The Altar Stone = 1 Stone

2. The big Trilithon = 2 Stones

3. The medium Trilithon = 4 Stones

4. The Small trilithon = 4 stones

5. The stones in front of the trilithons = 12 stones

TOTAL = 23 Stones




The creation of the chemical elements is made in the nuclear kettle in the stars. In the nucleus of the stars starts the fusion with the transformation of the hydrogen in helium. On the structural part there is going from one electron in two electrons and the conception of the neutrons at the atom nucleus. The adding of one electron is a result of the adding of a proton in the nucleus and the change in the number of neutrons. The adding of a new electron creates a chemical new element. The adding of the electrons in the stars even bigger than our sun continues until the creation of Uranium with 92 electrons. The elements with more than 92 electrons are called transuranic elements and are created by the radioactive decay or artificially in the lab.


The organic material is not anything more than e special chemical code. The human DNA with the number 23 in the eternal continuity is showed with 92 chromosomes. 46 chromosomes in the males and 46 chromosomes in the females. The creation of the successor is the selection between itself and 92 chromosomes. In the full reconstruction as in the initial project of Stonehenge with 333 elements, the 92 chromosomes are exactly showed and we can notice the gender chromosomes. The stone element that shows the chemical element with the atomic number of 92, shows even the male chromosome Y.




The 182 stones in the Stonehenge are a symbol of the light. They represent the timespan in days of the light in the Earth poles and simultaneously the depth in meters of the light penetration in water. Many of the aquatic species that live under the depth of 182 m are called living fossils because the great dark of the time in which the dinosaurs disappeared did not affect their life.


For all the knowledge that we possess today, from the microparticles to the macro universe, we do not ask: “Did the Stonehenge builders know this?” but instead “How should we read the Stonehenge?”. The exact reading brings us to the conclusion that the civilization and knowledge repetition is till that point that we can not add or extract anything. The numbering and measuring systems are the same too. We have re found or inherited from a previous civilization the decimal numbering system, the measuring unit of length, the meter with its multiple and subdivisions. We measure the circle with 360 degrees and the coordinative system with 360 degrees too. We measure the time with hours which has 3600 seconds. As the Stonehenge builders we know that the absolute 0 is – 273 degrees of the measuring scale with 100 degrees of the boiling point. (Exactly is – 273,15 but in Stonehenge it represented with a full number of elements, 273). The number in distinct groups of elements and the reports of these groups tell us these numbers and basic figures: the constants. All the knowledge can be read in Stonehenge.

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